Kenwood Th D72a Usb Serial Driver For Mac
Click to expand.The RT System programing software/cable combination appears to be the more economical solution at $49. Texet web camera wcm 183 driver for mac. The Kenwood programming cable from Gigiparts is $41. Then I still need to get an adapter that I KNOW will work: add another $29 plus or minus.Two concerns:1) What are the 'weaknesses' of the RT Systems programming software compared to the Kenwood software that you mentioned?2) It appears that the Echolink cable cannot be purchased separately through normal channels. As a Kenwood item, it is sold only in combination with the programming cable.
Is the Echolink cable available separately anywhere?. Voltcraft m 3850 manual. But it appears to be a splice job.Ooops, and I see from this on the above Ebay site.APPLICATION NOTES:1. TWO (2) cables - (this cable, and a PG-5G Serial Communication Cable) - are needed for Echolink Node Station operation.2. This cable alone (sold here individually) is for users who already have a PG-5G Serial Communication Cable.3. If you do not already have a PG-5G Serial Communication Cable, purchase the two-cable set (Set # PG-5H) and $ave!that the programming cable is ALSO required to make the Echolink work.
I don't know if the RT Systems cable is compatible. The RT site warns about incompatibility of their USB cable with the Kenwood programming software. I wonder if it has incompatibilities with the Echolink since Echolink requires both the programming and Echolink cables to be connected.I am thinking that as a novice I would be better off getting 'all Kenwood' accessories so that when I need help from Kenwood I won't suffer through the finger pointing at third party stuff.I ran into a real knowledgable guy at GigaParts. I suspect if I purchased all equipment through them, they would be able to assist where needed also.
These radios use the Yaesu SCU-35 cable. It is a USB-to-serial cable with a Prolific PL2303 USB-to-serial ship. It is supported by the unmodified drivers USB in Windows and Linux. The cable uses 3.3 V voltage levels and is a two-wire cable, with GND on one wire and TxD and RxD wired together on the other wire. RT Systems Inc. Offers USB programming cables for the Kenwood TH-D72 handheld radios, Programming Software, Radio Programming Software and more!