Radeon 1300 Driver For Mac

воскресенье 24 маяadmin


Ati radeon x1300 xt Power, Energy Consumption: The Elder Scrolls IV: The Graphics was released over three years more recently than the X XTati radeon x1300 xt so the Graphics is likely to have far better driver support, meaning it will be much more optimized and ultimately superior raveon the X XT when running the latest games.


radeon −ATI RADEON video driver


Identifier '
Driver 'radeon'



radeonis an Xorg driver for ATI RADEON-based video cards with thefollowing features:

Full support for 8-, 15-, 16- and 24-bit pixeldepths;

RandR 1.2 and RandR 1.3 support;

TV-out support (only on RV/RS1xx, RV/RS2xx, R/RV/RS3xx.Experimental support on R/RV5xx, R/RV6xx, and R/RV7xxthrough the ATOMTvOut option); TV-out is notsupported on cards that use the Rage Theatre chip for TV-out(R100, R200).

Full EXA 2D acceleration;

Full XAA 2D acceleration (only on R/RV/RS1xx,R/RV/RS2xx, R/RV/RS3xx, R/RV/RS4xx, R/RV5xx, RS6xx. XAARender acceleration supported only on R/RV100, R/RV/RS2xxand RS3xx);

Textured XVideo acceleration including anti-tearingsupport (Bicubic filtering only available on R/RV3xx,R/RV/RS4xx, R/RV5xx, and RS6xx/RS740);

Overlay XVideo acceleration (only on R/RV/RS1xx,R/RV/RS2xx, R/RV/RS3xx, R/RV/RS4xx);

3D acceleration;


Theradeon driver supports PCI, AGP, and PCIE video cardsbased on the following ATI chips (note: list isnon-exhaustive):


Radeon 7200


Radeon 7000(VE), M6, RN50/ES1000


Radeon IGP320(M)


Radeon 7500, M7, FireGL 7800


Radeon IGP330(M)/IGP340(M)


Radeon Mobility 7000 IGP


Radeon 8500, 9100, FireGL 8800/8700


Radeon 9000PRO/9000, M9


Radeon 9200PRO/9200/9200SE/9250, M9+


Radeon 9100 IGP


Radeon 9200 IGP


Radeon XPRESS 200(M)/1100 IGP


Radeon 9700PRO/9700/9500PRO/9500/9600TX, FireGLX1/Z1


Radeon 9800PRO/9800SE/9800, FireGL X2


Radeon 9800XT


Radeon 9600PRO/9600SE/9600/9550, M10/M11, FireGL T2


Radeon 9600XT


Radeon X300, M22


Radeon X600, M24


Radeon X700, M26 PCIE


Radeon X800 AGP


Radeon X800, M28 PCIE


Radeon X850 PCIE/AGP




Radeon X1800


Radeon X1600/X1650/X1700


Radeon X1900/X1950


Radeon X1200/X1250/X2100


Radeon HD 2900


Radeon HD 2400/2600/2700/4200/4225/4250


Radeon HD 3410/3430/3450/3470/3650/3670


Radeon HD 3690/3850/3870


Radeon HD 3100/3200/3300/4100/4200/4250/4290


Radeon HD4330/4350/4550/4650/4670/5145/5165/530v/545v/560v/565v


Radeon HD4770/4730/4830/4850/4860/4870/4890


Radeon HD 5430/5450/6330/6350/6370


Radeon HD5550/5570/5650/5670/5730/5750/5770/6530/6550/6570


Radeon HD5750/5770/5830/5850/5870/6750/6770/6830/6850/6870


Radeon HD 5830/5850/5870


Radeon HD 5970


Radeon HD 6310/6250


Radeon HD 6370/6380/6410/6480/6520/6530/6550/6620


Radeon HD 6790/6850/6870/6950/6970/6990


Radeon HD 6570/6630/6650/6670/6730/6750/6770


Radeon HD 6430/6450/6470/6490


Radeon HD 6950/6970/6990



Please refer to xorg.conf(5)for general configuration details. This section only coversconfiguration details specific to this driver.

The driverauto−detects all device information necessary toinitialize the card. However, if you have problems withauto−detection, you can specify for UMS (UserspaceModesetting):

VideoRam− in kilobytes
MemBase − physical address of the linear framebuffer
IOBase − physical address of the MMIO registers

In addition,the following driver Options are supported for bothUMS (Userspace Modesetting) and KMS (KernelModesetting):
Option 'SWcursor'

Selects software cursor. Thedefault is off.

Option 'NoAccel'boolean'

Enables or disables allhardware acceleration.
The default is to enable hardware acceleration.


Specify the RandR output(s) touse with zaphod mode for a particular driver instance. Ifyou use this option you must use this option for allinstances of the driver.
For example: Option 'ZaphodHeads'LVDS,VGA-0' will assign xrandr outputs LVDSand VGA-0 to this instance of the driver.

Option 'EXAVSync'boolean'

This option attempts to avoidtearing by stalling the engine until the display controllerhas passed the destination region. It reduces tearing at thecost of performance and has been known to cause instabilityon some chips. The default is off.

The followingdriver Options are supported for KMS (KernelModesetting):
Option 'ColorTiling'

The framebuffer can beaddressed either in linear or tiled mode. Tiled mode canprovide significant performance benefits with 3Dapplications. Tiling will be disabled if the drm module istoo old or if the current display configuration does notsupport it. On R600+ this enables 1D tiling mode.
The default value is on for R/RV3XX, R/RV4XX,R/RV5XX, RS6XX, RS740, R/RV6XX, R/RV7XX, RS780, RS880,EVERGREEN, and CAYMAN and off for R/RV/RS1XX,R/RV/RS2XX, and RS3XX.


The framebuffer can beaddressed either in linear, 1D, or 2D tiled modes. 2D tiledmode can provide significant performance benefits over 1Dtiling with 3D applications. Tiling will be disabled if thedrm module is too old or if the current displayconfiguration does not support it. KMS ColorTiling2D is onlysupported on R600 and newer chips.
The default value is off for R/RV6XX, R/RV7XX, RS780,RS880, EVERGREEN, and CAYMAN.


Under KMS, to avoid thrashingpixmaps in/out of VRAM on low memory cards, we use aheuristic based on VRAM amount to determine whether to allowEXA to use VRAM for non-essential pixmaps. This optionallows us to override the heuristic. The default ison with > 32MB VRAM, off with < 32MB.


This option controls thebehavior of glXSwapBuffers and glXCopySubBufferMESA calls byGL applications. If enabled, the calls will avoid tearing bymaking sure the display scanline is outside of the area tobe copied before the copy occurs. If disabled, no scanlinesynchronization is performed, meaning tearing will likelyoccur. Note that when enabled, this option can adverselyaffect the framerate of applications that render frames atless than refresh rate.

The defaultvalue is on.


Enable DRI2 page flipping. Thedefault is on. Pageflipping is supported on allradeon hardware.

The followingdriver Options are supported for UMS(Userspace Modesetting):
Option 'Dac6Bit'

Enables or disables the use of6 bits per color component when in 8 bpp mode (emulates VGAmode). By default, all 8 bits per color component are used.
The default is off.

Option 'VideoKey'integer'

This overrides the defaultpixel value for the YUV video overlay key.
The default value is 0x1E.


This sets the overlay scalerbuffer width. Accepted values range from 1024 to 2048,divisible by 64. Values other than 1536 and 1920 may notmake sense. This should be set automatically, but no oneknows what the limit is for which chip. If you think qualityis not optimal when playing back HD video (with horizontalresolution larger than this setting), increase this value.If you get an empty area at the right (usually pink),decrease it. Note that this only affects the'true' overlay via Xv, and won’t affectthings like textured video.
The default value is either 1536 (for most chips) or1920.

Option 'AGPMode'integer'

Set AGP data transfer rate.(used only when DRI is enabled)
1 −− 1x (before AGP v3 only)
2 −− 2x (before AGP v3 only)
4 −− 4x
8 −− 8x (AGP v3 only)
others −− invalid
The default is to leave it unchanged.


Enable AGP fast writes.Enabling this is frequently the cause of instability. Usedonly when the DRI is enabled. If you enable this option youwill get *NO* support from developers.
The default is off.

Option 'BusType'string'

Used to replace previousForcePCIMode option. Should only be used when driver’sbus detection is incorrect or you want to force an AGP cardto PCI mode. You should NEVER force a PCI card to AGP bus.
PCI −− PCI bus
AGP −− AGP bus
PCIE −− PCI Express bus
(used only when DRI is enabled)
The default is auto detect.


Used to prevent flickering ortearing problem caused by display buffer underflow.
AUTO −− Driver calculated (default).
BIOS −− Remain unchanged from BIOS setting.
Use this if the calculation is not correct
for your card.
HIGH −− Force to the highest priority.
Use this if you have problem with above options.
This may affect performance slightly.
The default value is AUTO.


The framebuffer can beaddressed either in linear or tiled mode. Tiled mode canprovide significant performance benefits with 3Dapplications. For 2D it shouldn’t matter much. Tilingwill be disabled if the virtual x resolution exceeds 2048(3968 for R300 and above), or if DRI is enabled and the drmmodule is too old.
If this option is enabled, a new DRI driver is required fordirect rendering.
Color tiling will be automatically disabled in interlaced ordoublescan screen modes.
The default value is on.


Do not use EDID data for modevalidation. DDC is still used for monitor detection. This isdifferent from NoDDC option.
The default value is off.

Option'CustomEDID'string'Watch the jungle book online cartoon.

Forces the X driver to use theEDID data specified in a file rather than thedisplay’s EDID. Also overrides DDC monitor detection.
You may specify a semicolon-separated list of output nameand filename pairs with an optional flag,'digital' or 'analog', to override thedigital bit in the EDID which is used by the driver todetermine whether to use the analog or digital encoderassociated with a DVI-I port. The output name is the RandRoutput name, e.g., 'VGA-0' or 'DVI-0';consult the Xorg log for the supported output names of anygiven system.
The file must contain a raw 128-byte EDID block, as capturedby get-edid.
For example: Option 'CustomEDID'VGA-0:/tmp/edid1.bin;DVI-0:/tmp/edid2.bin:digital' will assign the EDIDfrom the file /tmp/edid1.bin to the output device VGA-0, andthe EDID from the file /tmp/edid2.bin to the output deviceDVI-0 and force the DVI port to use the digital encoder.
Note that an output name must always be specified, even ifonly one EDID is specified.
Specifying an EDID that doesn’t exactlymatch your display may damage your hardware, as it allowsthe driver to specify timings beyond the capabilities ofyour display. Use with care.

Option 'PanelSize'string'

Should only be used when drivercannot detect the correct panel size. Apply to both desktop(TMDS) and laptop (LVDS) digital panels. When a valid panelsize is specified, the timings collected from DDC and BIOSwill not be used. If you have a panel with timings differentfrom that of a standard VESA mode, you have to provide thisinformation through the Modeline.
For example, Option 'PanelSize'1400x1050'
The default value is none.


Enable page flipping for 3Dacceleration. This will increase performance but not workcorrectly in some rare cases, hence the default isoff. It is currently only supported on R/RV/RS4xx andolder hardware.


Override minimum dot clock.Some Radeon BIOSes report a minimum dot clock unsuitable(too high) for use with television sets even when theyactually can produce lower dot clocks. If this is the caseyou can override the value here. Note that using thisoption may damage your hardware. You have been warned.The frequency parameter may be specified as a floatvalue with standard suffixes like 'k','kHz', 'M', 'MHz'.


Enables or disables hardwareRender acceleration. It is supported on all Radeon cardswhen using EXA acceleration and on Radeon R/RV/RS1xx,R/RV/RS2xx and RS3xx when using XAA. The default is toenable Render acceleration.


Chooses between availableacceleration architectures. Valid options are XAA andEXA. XAA is the traditional acceleration architectureand support for it is very stable. EXA is a neweracceleration architecture with better performance for theRender and Composite extensions. The default isEXA.

Option 'AccelDFS'boolean'

Use or don’t useaccelerated EXA DownloadFromScreen hook when possible (onlywhen Direct Rendering is enabled, e.g.). Default: offwith AGP due to issues with GPU->host transfers with someAGP bridges, on otherwise.


Amount of video RAM to reservefor OpenGL textures, in percent. With EXA, the remainder ofvideo RAM is reserved for EXA offscreen management.Specifying 0 results in all offscreen video RAM beingreserved for EXA and only GART memory being available forOpenGL textures. This may improve EXA performance, butbeware that it may cause problems with OpenGL drivers fromMesa versions older than 6.4. With XAA, specifying lowerpercentage than what gets reserved without this option hasno effect, but the driver tries to increase the video RAMreserved for textures to the amount specified roughly.Default: 50.

Option 'DepthBits'integer'

Precision in bits per pixel ofthe shared depth buffer used for 3D acceleration. Validvalues are 16 and 24. When this is 24, there will also be ahardware accelerated stencil buffer, but the combineddepth/stencil buffer will take up twice as much video RAM aswhen it’s 16. Default: The same as the screendepth.

Option 'DMAForXv'boolean'

Try or don’t try to useDMA for Xv image transfers. This will reduce CPU usage whenplaying big videos like DVDs, but may cause instabilities.Default: on.


Force subpixel order tospecified order. Subpixel order is used for subpixeldecimation on flat panels.
NONE −− No subpixel (CRT like displays)
RGB −− in horizontal RGB order (most flatpanels)
BGR −− in horizontal BGR order (some flatpanels)

This option isintended to be used in following cases:
1. The default subpixel order is incorrect for your panel.
2. Enable subpixel decimation on analog panels.
3. Adjust to one display type in dual-head clone mode setup.
4. Get better performance with Render acceleration ondigital panels (use NONE setting).
The default is NONE for CRT, RGB for digitalpanels


Enable dynamic clock gating.This can help reduce heat and increase battery life byreducing power usage. Some users report reduced 3Dperformance with this enabled. The default isoff.


Enable a static low power mode.This can help reduce heat and increase battery life byreducing power usage at the expense of performance. Thedefault is off.

Option 'DynamicPM'boolean'

Enable dynamic power modeswitching. This can help reduce heat and increase batterylife by reducing power usage when the system is idle (DPMSactive). The default is off.

Option 'VGAAccess'boolean'

Tell the driver if it can dolegacy VGA IOs to the card. This is necessary for properlyresuming consoles when in VGA text mode, but shouldn’tbe if the console is using radeonfb or some other graphicmode driver. Some platforms like PowerPC have issues withthose, and they aren’t necessary unless you have areal text mode in console. The default is off onPowerPC and SPARC and on on other architectures.


When BIOS connector informationisn’t available, use this option to reverse themapping of the two main DDC ports. Use this if the X serverobviously detects the wrong display for each connector. Thisis typically needed on the Radeon 9600 cards bundled withApple G5s. The default is off.


When BIOS panel informationisn’t available (like on PowerBooks), it may still benecessary to use the firmware-provided PLL values for thepanel or flickering will happen. This option will forceprobing of the current value programmed in the chip when Xis launched in that case. This is only useful for LVDSpanels (laptop internal panels). The default ison.


Enable load detection on the TVDAC. The TV DAC is used to drive both TV-out and analogmonitors. Load detection is often unreliable in the TV DACso it is disabled by default. The default is off.


Use the default driver providedTMDS PLL values rather than the ones provided by the BIOS.This option has no effect on Mac cards. Enable this optionif you are having problems with a DVI monitor using theinternal TMDS controller. The default is off.


Use the default driver providedTVDAC Adj values rather than the ones provided by the BIOS.This option has no effect on Mac cards. Enable this optionif you are having problems with a washed out display on thesecondary DAC. The default is off.

Option 'DRI'boolean'

Enable DRI support. This optionallows you to enable to disable the DRI. The default isoff for RN50/ES1000 and on for others.


Enable this option to skip theBIOS connector table parsing and use the driver defaults foreach chip. The default is off

Option 'MacModel'string'

Used to specify Mac models forconnector tables and quirks. If you have a PowerBook or Miniwith DVI that does not work properly, try the alternateoptions as Apple does not seem to provide a good way ofknowing whether they use internal or external TMDS for DVI.Only valid on PowerPC. On Linux, the driver will attempt todetect the MacModel automatically.
ibook −− ibooks
powerbook-external −− Powerbooks with externalDVI
powerbook-internal −− Powerbooks with integratedDVI
powerbook-vga −− Powerbooks with VGA rather thanDVI
mini-external −− Mac Mini with external DVI
mini-internal −− Mac Mini with integrated DVI
imac-g5-isight −− iMac G5 iSight
emac −− eMac G4
The default value is undefined.


Used to specify the default TVstandard if you want to use something other than the BIOSdefault. Valid options are:
The default value is undefined.


Enable this option to forceTV-out to always be detected as attached. The default isoff


Enable this option to ignorelid status on laptops and always detect LVDS as attached.The default is on.

Option 'Int10'boolean'

This option allows you todisable INT10 initialization. Set this to False if you areexperiencing a hang when initializing a secondary card. Thedefault is on.

Option 'ATOMTvOut'boolean'

This option enablesexperimental TV-out support for R/RV5xx, R/RV6xx, andR/RV7xx AtomBIOS chips. TV-out is experimental and may notfunction on these chips as well as hoped for. The default isoff.

Option 'R4xxATOM'boolean'

This option enables modesettingon R/RV4xx chips using AtomBIOS. The default isoff.


The driversupports the following X11 Xv attributes for Textured Video.You can use the 'xvattr' tool to query/set thoseattributes at runtime.

XV_VSYNC is used to controlwhether textured adapter synchronizes the screen update tothe monitor vertical refresh to eliminate tearing. It hastwo values: ’off’(0) and ’on’(1).The default is ’on’(1).


XV_CRTC is used to controlwhich display controller (crtc) the textured adaptersynchronizes the screen update with when XV_VSYNC isenabled. The default, ’auto’(-1), will sync tothe display controller that more of the video is on; whenthis is ambiguous, the display controller associated withthe RandR primary output is preferred. This attribute isuseful for things like clone mode where the user can bestdecide which display should be synced. The default is’auto’(-1).


XV_BICUBIC is used to controlwhether textured adapter should apply a bicubic filter tosmooth the output. It has three values:’off’(0), ’on’(1) and’auto’(2). ’off’ means never applythe filter, ’on’ means always apply the filterand ’auto’ means apply the filter only if the Xand Y sizes are scaled to more than double to avoid blurredoutput. Bicubic filtering is not currently compatible withother Xv attributes like hue, contrast, and brightness, andmust be disabled to use those attributes. The default is’off’(0).


Xorg(1),xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7)


Wiki page:



Overview about radeondevelopment code:



Mailing list:



IRC channel:

#radeon on irc.freenode.net


Query the bugtracker for radeonbugs:



Metro boomin sound pack. Submit bugs & patches:



Rickard E. (Rik) Faith faith@precisioninsight.com
Kevin E. Martin kem@freedesktop.org
Alan Hourihane alanh@fairlite.demon.co.uk
Marc Aurele La France tsi@xfree86.org
Benjamin Herrenschmidt benh@kernel.crashing.org
Michel Dänzer michel@daenzer.net
Alex Deucher alexdeucher@gmail.com
Bogdan D. bogdand@users.sourceforge.net
Eric Anholt eric@anholt.net

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