Warband Script Enhancer 3.2.0

воскресенье 26 апреляadmin

So how much more overview does it offer?MapsDefault fontsize for lower level maps. (68-72 / white maps)Slightly larger fontsize and dropsounds for medium level maps. (73-77 / yellow maps)Highlight textcolor and larger font size for red maps. (78+ / red maps)CurrencyDifferent tiers for currency.

This section is work in progress, as the different strictness levels are not fully defined/implemented yet. If you think something is hidden too early, or shown too long, let me know!

Please include your reasoning.Base Versions: -There are currently 6 base versions, reflecting increasing strictness levels. The stricter a filter is, the less items are shown.Low:Recommended for SSF or the very first hours/days of a new league.

Includes low itemlevel bases that genereally become undesirable very soon, but might be useful early on.Moderate:Parent Filter: 'Low'Differences to parent filter:. Everest model sc 301 driver for mac. Hides rare items with a DropLevel below or equal to 45 and an ItemLevel above or equal to 60. Hides very low tier Divination Cards. Examples: The Carrion Crow, Turn the Other Cheek. Hides very low tier Currency. Examples: Transmutation Shard, Alchemy Shard, Regal Shard, Chaos Shard, Binding Shard, Engineer's Shard, Horizon Shard.

Hides T3 (4 inventory slots) Chromatic Orb recipe items. Leveling and Progression sections stop highlighting/displaying items earlier.

Hides low itemlevel normal and magic jewellery.Highish:Parent Filter: 'Moderate'Differences to parent filter:. Hides rare items with a DropLevel below or equal to 60 and an ItemLevel above or equal to 60. Hides T2 (. Which editor should I use to edit the file?I recommend Notepad.How do I add a BaseType to the Chance section?Open the file and search for '### Chance', that will get you to the chance section. Copy one of the existing blocks and replace the BaseType with the one you would like to add.Why is this better than the other filters?I don't know if it's better than the others for you. That depends on your personal requirements. The concept of 'better' or 'best' is highly subjective.

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Know what you need/want and match against that. Then you found your personal best filter.Why are 3L Quartz Sceptre highlighted? / I found a bug. A chromatic Quartz or Crystal Sceptre isn't highlighted as a RGB item.Many people use 3L Quartz Sceptre for leveling. There's a cheap that gives +1 to lightning/cold/fire gems which makes it a very good weapon early on for a variety of skills (Fire Trap, Flame Totem, Lightning Tendrils etc.).Quartz Sceptre are highlighted by a red border until level 25.

Between 25 and 51 they are simply displayed without any highlighting as they might still be useful.The section that deals with these 'Leveling Specials' is located above the RGB section in the filter, meaning it takes precedence and this sometimes causes confusion if the Sceptre in question has a chromatic linking. Once you're in a zonelevel above 51, they will be shown as chromatic items again.Do you have a paypal account? Can I donate something for your effort?I don't like the company for a whole lot of reasons so I try to avoid using it where I can.I really do appreciate the thought, though. If you feel like donating anyway, consider donating to a charity and let me know.


That would certainly warm my heart:)Some people donated, which I also very much enjoy(ed). This is not related to the filter (craft bases etc.), but to ingame crafts through the Crafting Bench.If you need a sort of trustworthy source, feel free to pm me ingame.Features / Ideas. One filter to cover everything from leveling to racing and endgame content without compromise. Sane defaults while offering all the options in the world for those that like to customize. Be easy on the eyes, default colors look nice so let's use them where we can. Smooth integration, no learning period, be intuitive. Highlight stuff that is worth highlighting.

This mod is released as open-source software without a specific license, which could be possibly problematic, as our mod uses many features written by various community members As attaching a proper licence (such as GNU GPL) requires copyrighting the code. This would include contacting all those creators and asking them for permission. The main part of the problem is that some of these people are no longer active. Thus we decided to use the original Silverstag licence, available on the forum, with some modifications.1.

You can make a new mod based on Silverstag, provided that:- The new mod may not use the Silverstag name as part of its name to prevent confusion.- The Silverstag team and other content creators should be credited for their work. You can find the list on the bottom of this file.- We'd appreciate being made aware of your mod project. We'll even help promote it within Silverstag's forum.2. You can freely make and host it within the Silverstag forums.We actively encourage this. Sub-mods may retain the Silverstag name as long as it is clear that it is a sub-mod (example: 'Silverstag: ' or (Silverstag v0.23 Patch)). We're not as concerned with how you name it such as that it is clear to the community what it is and which version of Silverstag it is compatible with.3. You can pull a feature from Silverstag to put in another mod.Please note that Silverstag is heavily reliant upon the Warband Script Enhancer (WSE) to function and each of its features are very interrelated which makes it difficult to pull out an individual one.

Any features pulled out that are not specificly created by the Silverstag team have been credited within our download thread on the Taleworlds forum. Please ensure you're giving credit to the correct folks and if you're unsure I'd be happy to answer questions of this nature. To make matters more clear and easy to follow, the list of content creators other than Silverstag team is a part of this license. Model resource files (.brf files) are named by their creators.4. We do not provide technical support for any of the above?The source files are well segregated into modmerger kits and generally follow a naming convention that will point you in the right direction of where to look. If you're unsure where something is after looking we can help you with that, but we're generally not interested in giving detailed instructions on how to remove / alter a feature within the mod.

It really depends on the number of and nature of the requests. We also may write documentation for the mod at some point.MODULE SYSTEM SETUP NOTES:'compile.bat' is the main compiling batch file to use. Check the 'slots' excel file within the documentation folder to see where slot numbers have been used by the various source kits. This information should be up to date.When scripts are used from a source not within the main modulescripts or the kit you're currently within it will generally have a comment following stating which file to look into. A common exception to this are 'gpu' scripts which are found in the generic presentation utilities kit for building interfaces.There are a number of kits that are retained solely for preserving save games and will be removed upon the next save breaking update. Some of these caused issues while integrated and just have not had their resources / code removed entirely or were left in a disabled state.

Beta Testing Suite, Dynamic Damage and Emoticons are all examples of this and should be left disabled.Thanks for your interest and I hope you can gain some use out of the materials supplied. I look forward to seeing what creations you come up with and would love to hear about them for possible inclusion into the Silverstag mod.Good Luck,WindyplainsTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.Credits to content creators:CMPXCHG8BWARBAND SCRIPT ENHANCER 3.2.0A great deal of information and support in fixing stability & operation issues.FLORIS MOD TEAMLeaving your liege's faction.Nissa Companion.