Download Sample Swf Video Files

среда 15 апреляadmin

Look for a SWF file. Scroll down the pop-up window until you find a file with 'Object' listed in the 'Type' column, then check the file's name to see if it matches the name of the video or game you want to download. SWF files for games often have 'API' in the name. SWF is a format designed to store vector graphics and animation, it may contain sound, video, text and other data. Such files are widely used for creating animation, games and playing video and audio on web pages. It is possible to open SWF files with Adobe Flash Player or with a browser that has the flash plugin installed.

HCI 430 -- Flash Examples

Examples marked with (*) are taken from Lott and Reinhart,Download Sample Swf Video FilesFlash 8 ActionScript Bible, Wiley, 2005.
    Basic Flash examples with simple ActionScript.
    Here is the Example1b ActionScript code.
      bumble-bee1 Simple Drawing

      bumble-bee2 Motion Tweening with start and stop buttons.

      bumble-bee3 Using a Motion Guide

      wheel A Movie Clip with its Own Timeline

      squares Creating Movie Clips Dynamically

      bumble-bee4 Placing Movie Clips Randomly

      bumble-bee5 Simple Drag and Drop

      sunset A sunset animation with tweening. Stars drawn withdrawing API.

      snow Simulating Snow with Random Motion

      sun-and-shadow Shows a variety of effects. Some ActionScript code isstored in separate .as files.
      number-pad Input digits with buttons and display them ina textbox.

      greeter4 Uses radio buttons and a textbox to input information.The output is displayed in a text area component.

      email Read data from the text file email.txt and display it in textboxes.

      display-text Read data from the text file data.txtand display it in a text area component.

      phonebook9 Look up a phone number in a combo box and displaythe corresponding name a textbox. The names and phonenumbers are inphonenumbers.txt.

      text-aa.fla Source CodeCreate an associative array and access its elements.

      test-class.fla Source Code Create a PhoneInfo class and test it.
      Here is the class file.

      phonebook10 Store name and number pairs as PhoneInfo objects.

      bumble-bee10 Create bumble bees with animated wings anested movie clip.

      bumble-bee11 Instantiate 500 bumble bees, with synchronizedand staggered start times.

      bumble-bee12 Create 200 bumble bees where any bee can be draggedwith the mouse to another location.

      alert-window Show how to show an alert box (message box) andread which button was clicked.

      astronomy-quiz1 An astronomy quiz implemented in six frames.

      astronomy-quiz2 An astronomy quiz implemented in two frames.

      tip-calculator1 Compute gratuity given the subtotal.

      key-pad2 Keypad implemented with dynamic buttons and one event handlerfor all the buttons.

      format-text Format a dynamic textbox using the TextFormat object.

      tip-calculator2 Same as tip-calculator1, except that the labels inthe controls are formatted with the setFormat method of the control.

      animals ComboBox and TextArea components are formatted with thesetFormat method.

      digital-timer A simple stop watch that uses the getTimer function.

      load-images Use a FileReference object to load image filenames into acombo box. Then a selected image is displayed in a Loader control.

      dynamic-scroll-pane Display images in a scroll pane.

      bitmap1 Display library bitmaps as MovieClip objects.

      bitmap2 Draw on a movie clip.

      Examples from

      masking1 Show a crude spotlight effect with a mask layer.

      masking2 Another crude spotlight effect.

      device-with-text Simulate scrolling text on a handheld device.

      pianoKeys_behaviors An example from the Flash 8 Bibleby Reinhardt and Dowd.
      id-dropdown Load ID numbers into ComboBox for GradeViewer Example.

      monthly-payment Compute monthly payment for a loan.

      textfield Switch a textfield from dynamic to inputand vice-versa.

      css1 Display formatted HTML file (*).

      css2 Display HTML file formatted with external CSS file (*).

      TextFormattingExample Display HTML file formatted with external CSS file (*).

      custom-cursor Use a movie clip as a custom cursor.

      fred1 Transform an image loaded into a movie clip.

      fred2 Transform and display a bitmap in various ways.

      scale9Grid Change the shape of a rectangle with roundedcorners with the mouse (*).

      tweensEasing Perform programmatic tweening with varioustypes of easing (*).

      tweensListeners Perform programmatic tweening usinglisteners to control the animation. (*).

      tweensPausing Perform programmatic tweening using themouse to pause the animation. (*).

    Some of these examples show trace output, which is not visible fromthe swf file.

      slider1 Version 1 of a custom Slider component (*).

      slider2 Version 2 of a custom Slider component (*).

      Ears software. Why We Created Quiztones EQ Ear Training AppsWe thought there should be an easier way to learn how to use EQ, train your ears and expedite the path to getting professional quality mixes, recordings and productions.When I was at music school ten years ago studying audio engineering and music production, my teacher turned an iMac around, pulled up an EQ in Pro Tools and started quizzing the class on which audio frequencies he was boosting or cutting in a mix. What's the Benefit of Frequency Ear Training?Just like athletic training makes you better at a sport, or tasting a wide range of coffee and wine reveals the hidden subtleties and helps you develop your taste, frequency ear training for EQ helps you listen critically, increase your musical intuition and develops your taste and ability to get better mixes, recordings and productions.After just two weeks of using Quiztones, you’ll notice a dramatic shift.When I was designing the EQ quizzes for Quiztones, I noticed that after only two weeks, the way I heard music completely changed. I instinctively started noticing characteristics of sound on a whole new level. That's when it hit me — this should be an app, with various difficulty levels, a scoring system and the ability to import your own source material for quizzes that will teach you how to use EQ like a pro.Fast forward to today — 50k app downloads later — and we're still just as excited to keep evolving Quiztones to help you take the quality of your mixes, recordings and productions to the next level.

      slider3 Version 3 of a custom Slider component (*).

      slider4 Version 4 of a custom Slider component (*).

    Illustrates various authortime and runtime filters.

      filter-effects Show the effects of the DropShadow,Glow and Bevel Filters implemented using the Flash IDE.

      runtime-filter-effects Show the effects of the DropShadow,Glow and Bevel Filters implemented using ActionScript.

      fred3 Show how to apply a sharpening convolution using aConvolutionFilter object. The convolution is specified by