Slow Performance With Eclipse For Mac
The three most influential factors for Eclipse speed are:. Using the latest version of Eclipse (3.4 Ganimede at the time of writing in 2008)Note that 's (July 2014) contradicts that criteria which was working six years ago:The 'same' workspace in Indigo (3.7.2) SR2 loads in 4 seconds, in Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) in 7 seconds and in Luna (4.4.0) in 10 seconds. All are Java EE bundles. Newer versions have more bundled plugins, but still the trend is obvious. (by 'same' workspace I mean: same (additionally installed) plugins used, same projects checked out from version control).Launching it with the latest JDK (1.7 at the time of writing, which does not prevent you to compile in your Eclipse project with any other JDK you want: 1.4.2, 1.5, 1.6 older.) -vm jdk1.6.010jrebinclientjvm.dll.Configuring the eclipse.ini (see ) -Xms128m-Xmx384m-XX:MaxPermSize=128m # NOTE: this option is obsolete in Java 8, it will be ignored-Xss2m.The Xmx argument is the amount of memory Eclipse will get (in simple terms).
Is your Eclipse running slow? Big performance improvements are made in each version of Java when new versions are released and it just.
With -Xmx384m, it gets 384 MB of RAM, with -Xmx4G it gets 4 GB, etc.Note:.Referring to the jvm.dll has advantages:. Splash screen coming up sooner. Eclipse.exe in the process list instead of java.exe. Firewalls: Eclipse wants access to the Internet instead of Java. Window management branding issues, especially on Windows and Mac.But it can also have some drawbacks if you.The default memory taken by Eclipse is the. Here up to 512 MB total, which is quite enough for a 1 GB memory computer.
Basically if you disable the class verification any Java class with an exploit can escape the Java virtual machine (JVM) and execute any code it wants as your user account. In general, if your security depends on JVM containment, do not disable verification.
However, considering that Eclipse plugins can write new files to the filesystem and launch any executables you have plenty of attack surface even with the verification. As a result, I think that having class verification enabled with Eclipse does not really improve your security at all.–Sep 26 '17 at 7:20.
Recently I moved from using a Linux box to running a first gen MacBookPro. It seems that running Eclipse on my Mac is significantly slowerthan on my Linux machine. Lots of spinning beach balls from time totime, plus the menus aren't as responsive as they were. Not unusable,but definitely more sluggish.
Anybody notice this? Anybody have anexplantation as to why this would be the case?In general, in my experience, Eclipse runs fastest on Windows, andLinux is a little slower, although not by much. Then on the Mac it'sthe slowest.AndyJuan Marin26.01.07 09:20. Xms sets the stack memory size; in this case to 40MB maximum.-Xmx sets the heap memory size; in this case to 256MB maximum. Thetotal max you can stuff in here is 1.5GB unless you use 64-bit java,though be aware that making this number close to or larger than yoursystem's actual memory will probably slow things down (as swap getsinvolved).
As a rule, for large apps, moving those numbers up helps alot, but 256MB is already high; should be high enough.Eclipse on my old iBook ran slower than molasses but since I swappedit for a plain macbook (original Core Duo, not a Core 2 Duo; and thisis the cheapest model macbook as well) eclipse is fast; hardly everany beachballs. On an MBP it should be on fire. I don't know what'sgoing on.charlie.@gmail.com28.01.07 01:11. In general, in my experience, Eclipse runs fastest on Windows, and Linux is a little slower, although not by much. For me it's worth sacrificing all those resources for the syntaxhighlighting and code completion alone.Sure, the base eclipse install is just an editor but I can't imaginelife without it now.
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I use the type and reference search so much Istarted to give myself a hand strain. (My solution - pop the leftcontrol key off the keyboard.
It forces you to use two hands.)Re the install grief - I've never had problems. We tend to run theregular installer and then share projects via SVN rather than copyinga pre-installed version.Dave Patterson.On Jan 28, 9:59 am, 'Rick' wrote: In general, in my experience, Eclipse runs fastest on Windows, and Linux is a little slower, although not by much. Andy, you could give us a bit more information, like amount of memory,Eclipse version.On Jan 26, 6:15 pm, 'andy' wrote: Anybody notice this?Am using Eclipse 3.2 on an 20' iMac with Intel inside (one of thefirst last year), 2GB of RAM. The 2GB are not really needed but it isa good investment if you also want to run Windows in a WM (for testingyour work on that IE browser which too many people still use).I don't have any speed problems, in contrary. When I am working athome on my good old G4 PowerBook I realize how fast those new IntelMacs can be.Did you change your Eclipse settings as suggested?
Before I did that Ioften got out of memory errors.joel.neely31.01.07 05:33.